Over the past year, I've been getting closer with a friend. We've begun to share more about ourselves with each other and spend time with each other outside of the main "group" that we are in. A week or so ago, she offered to share what she learned from a prosperity and success session that she attended last year. I immediately agreed! The past few years have been difficult for me mentally and I'm willing to do almost anything to rewire my thoughts.
She suggested I get a journal that visually stands out to me. We met this morning, she with her tea and me with my ice coffee, and got to work. I wanted to share some of what I learned today with you, in case you're ready for a change in your life as well.
What we focus on, we create.
If you focus on the negative, you will continue to receive negativity. Focus on the good and positive side of things when possible.
When are you going to stop being a victim?
There are 4 parts of life: wealth, health, career, relationships
Pick one to work on in your journal for 30 days
It's ok to switch what you're working on-If you're struggling in an area, change your focus to a different one
Also known as manifesting. Speak on (and write about) things in your life as if you already have them! (Instead of saying, "I want a new career" say instead, "I have the career of my dreams".
What do you want in life? What do you want to create? How do you want to feel?
Don't force it-do what works for you. Your journey and desires are not necessarily the same as others.
Appreciation and gratitude will keep you on track
Begin and end with gratitude. Be appreciative of the things you currently have.
Don't focus on what you don't want. Focus on what you desire.
I truly hope that these prompts will be helpful for you. I am excited about the places I will go and the things I will achieve in the upcoming year.
I love you and you're worthy.